“We have to ensure both compliance with environmental laws, and the growth and survival of the electroplating industry”

A Brief History of the Growth, and Future of Surface Finishing and Electroplating
August 1, 2019
Certification in Electroplating – What is it and why you should do it?
August 12, 2019

“We have to ensure both compliance with environmental laws, and the growth and survival of the electroplating industry”

Faceoff: Sunil Goel, President, MFAI

Introduced in 1991, till date, we have run 25 certificate courses and trained over 1000 students from India and abroad.

Q. After taking over as President of the MFAI, what are the top three goals on your agenda for this year (2019-2020?)

At MFAI we are committed to the cause and betterment of the electroplating industry.

Our dream is to shed the tag of being considered a polluting industry.

Another goal is to establish a smart industrial hub in and around Mumbai that will be completely pollution-free. This Industrial hub will be equipped with the state-of-the-art Common Effluent Treatment Plant(CETP)operating with the latest zero liquid discharge(ZLD) facility. Once commissioned, the same can be replicated across the
electroplating clusters in India.

The third important goal is to impart the latest theoretical and practical knowledge in electroplating and metal finishing to our members, engaged in this field.

Q. MFAI has a rich 46-year old legacy – how would you summaries this journey for the association?

Established in 1973, the Metal Finishers’ Association of India (MFAI) has had a long and eventful track record of organizing of international exhibitions and conferences in Mumbai, Delhi and Vadodara, besides numerous roadshows across the country. These events and activities have helped the plating fraternity in enriching their knowledge pool and exposure to the metal finishing business. Today, we have a plethora of automatic electroplating lines running successfully, across the country.

Earlier few elite platers used to visit abroad to buy electroplating technology. But with the onset of ISF the scenario has changed completely, as major players from the overseas market are now showcasing their products to the platers here. The association has emerged as a perfect platform for Indian & overseas supply houses to showcase their well-researched products and latest equipment’s to the Indian plating family.

Q. Please introduce us to your 2019-2020 office bearers and their portfolios?

Mr. Sunil Goel President, Head Organizing Committee ISF-2020; Head Publicity and Advertising committee ISF-2020.

Mr. Madhav Singh is our Managing Trustee and Head Marketing Committee ISF-2020.

Mr. Eknath S Amin is our Trustee, Head National Coordination Committee ISF-2020.

Mr. Manmohan Kapoor Vice President (Ex Hon.Secretary) is Head Exhibition Committee ISF-2014 and 2017.

Mr. Yaswant Patel Vice President.

Mr. Amit Agarwal Hon Secretary, Head Exhibition Committee ISF-2020.

Mr. Kaushik Dhabhalia Hon Treasurer, Head Finance Committee ISF-2020.

Mr. Jayesh Shah Hon Jt. Secretary Head Technical Committee ISF-2020and Chief Editor ISF JOURNAL.

Mr. Nirmal Soni Jt Treasurer.

Mr.Pravin Mainkar Head Reception Committee ISF-2020

Mr. Ashok Sanghvi Head E Committee ISF-2020.

Q. What are your plans for the 26 th edition of the Association’s Certification Course in Electroplating & Metal Finishing?

We are planning to enrollat least 40-50 students for the course this year. We see them as tomorrow’s entrepreneurs in metal finishing. Besides theory, the comprehensive curriculum includes field visits to electroplating units in and around Mumbai.

Introduced in 1991, till date, we have run 25 certificate courses and trained over 1000 students from India and abroad.

Q. What are the topics covered in this course?

Over the years, we have tried to strengthen the curriculum with the addition of topics such as PVD coating, Selective plating and plating on non-conductors, such as wood and wax.

Q. Who is this course recommended for?

Anyone looking to make career in the field of surface finishing is a suitable candidate.

Q. What are your big plans for MFAI’s annual exhibition?

Based on the feedback received over the years, we are planning to make this exhibition a grand success by implementing several new aspects. This includes translation of technical paper from English to Hindi and vice versa.
ISF-2017 held in New Delhi witnessed a footfall of +5000 visitors from Indian and overseas participants. This year, we plan to increase it to +8000. This year, we are also going promote our event on various social-media platforms to attract more visitors and delegates.

Q. What’s the present size of the industry and growth?

The Indian metal finishing industry is currently estimated to be worth Rs 2,000 crore and growing at 20% year-on-year for the past two decades. The phenomenal growth of automobile industry has been the biggest contributor in opening new avenues for general metal finishing and other industrial finishes. Driven by its own rising domestic
demand and that arising from neighbouring countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka Bangladesh as well as parts of the ASEAN and Middle East countries, today we have over 35000 electroplaters spread across the country.

Q. What policy steps can the Indian government take to ensure massive growth for this industry?

We are in the process of discussing common effluent treatment plants (CETP)for the electroplating industry, across various industrial cities. This will offer a permanent solution to the environment problem. 

Q. Looking ahead, what are the big opportunities and challenges for the metal finishing industry?

As a result of stiff challenge from the Chinese goods, we have to work on producing goodson a par with international standards. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) is very strict with polluting industries and had issued instructions to pollution boards to shut down polluting units within three months. While complying with the norms, we have to
also ensure the survival of these units.

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